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About FlikPik

What is this?

We only have so much time left, so why waste your time watching bad movies? What if there was a way to pick your next movie to watch from a list of the best movies ever? And what if you could fine-tune that list to reflect your personal preferences?

We present you with a list of the top 100 movies ever made. Scroll down to see them all. Use the filters and create a new list of movies. If you sign up and log in, you can mark the movies you've seen and add movies to your personal watchlist.

Where do you get the ratings?

You'll find that the ratings quite closely match those on IMDB, and that's because the voting data does indeed come from IMDB.

But these ratings are better. While IMDB's Top 250 shows only the most popular movies, we include all of the smaller movies that may be great but not be popular enough to make their list. We also use a secret sauce to take out the biases and weight the numbers in a unique way to give movies the rankings they really deserve.

What's so great about this new rating system?

You'll find hundreds of titles you've never heard of before that end up being really, really great movies. At least that's what happened with me. I've seen some amazing movies that I never would have found otherwise. :)

By using some of the filtering options, you can really fine-tune things to come up with a unique list of movies to watch.

How do the filters work?

Just start clicking, and movies will start moving around. Some filters are "additive" and can be combined, while others cannot. Give them a shot and see what you come up with.

The filters at the top produce a specific selection of movies. See what's new, watch all the classics, find undiscovered gems. Hover over the buttons to get a bit more info.

Want to remove the movies that you've seen so that you can come up with a fresh list of movies to watch? When you're logged in, you can click the "Seen" button on each movie you've seen and then click the "Not Seen" filter in the sidebar to remove them from view.

Found a good movie that you'd like to save for later? Click the "Watchlist" button on the movie to add it to your list. Click the "Watchlist" filter in the sidebar to view this list of movies.

If you're looking for something specific, use the search feature and start typing the name of a movie.

How often are new movies added and rankings updated?

New movies are being added all the time. Ratings are updated for every movie on a rolling basis (usually every 2-3 days) with the latest voting data from IMDB.

Why should I sign up?

Anyone can use the basic filtering options, but signing up for an account allows you to customize things a bit. When logged in, you can track movies you've seen, put movies on a watchlist, and enjoy some additional filtering options.

Can I use this to watch movies?

Yes! The movies that are available to be viewed or downloaded online will have logos that link out to various video streaming and download services. You may also use the filters in the sidebar to view all the movies available for a particular service.

Can I use this for TV shows?

Not yet, but soon!

Where do I submit questions, ideas, and bugs?

Email them to me at jnyveen@gmail.com. Thanks for your help!
